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Istilah Sumber dan Definition adalah berdasarkan dokumen ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms (MLGT).
Bidang, Subbidang, Istilah Sasaran dan Huraian adalah daripada Kumpulan Kerja Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms Maklumat Geografi/ Geomatik (KKMLGT).

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z
Bil. ID ISO/TC211 Istilah Sumber Sort descending Istilah Sasaran Bidang Subbidang Definition Huraian


Active sensor

Penderia aktif


Penderiaan jauh, Geomatik, Aeronautik, Hidrografi

Sensor that generates the energy that it uses to perform the sensing.

Penderia yang memiliki sumber tenaga sendiri yang akan memancarkan gelombang elektromagnetik ke objek sasaran.






Sistem Maklumat Geografi

Structured information that allows the unambiguous determination of an object for purposes of identification and location.

Butir keterangan (spt nombor rumah, nama jalan, nama bandar, dll) yg menunjukkan tempat tinggal seseorang. PRPM DBP



Address component

Komponen alamat


Sistem Maklumat Geografi

Constituent part of the address.

Bahagian penyusunan alamat.

4 Aggregation

The process of combining smaller spatial units, and the data they contain, into larger spatial units by dissolving common boundaries and lumping the data together.




Sepanjang laluan


Penderiaan jauh, Geomatik, Aeronautik, Hidrografi

Direction in which the sensor platform moves.

Arah yang sama pelantar sensor bergerak.






Penderiaan Jauh

Height where the chosen reference surface is mean sea level.

ketinggian sesuatu tempat (kawasan) yang diukur dari purata aras laut atau dari aras permukaan topografi bumi.

7 Annotation

Text on a drawing or map associated with graphic entities.


[programming] Acronym for application programming interface. A set of interfaces, methods, protocols, and tools that application developers use to build or customize a software program. APIs make it easier to develop a program by providing building blocks of prewritten, tested, and documented code that are incorporated into the new program. APIs can be built for any programming language.

9 Application

A program (software) or web mapping service designed to perform a specific task. Examples include word processing software, database programs, and mapping tools.

GIS applications can be used to solve problems, automate tasks, and generate information within a specific field of interest. They can also be used to search, analyze, and map data to answer particular questions.

10 Application Programming Interface (API)

An interface definition that permits invoking services from application programs without knowing details of their internal implementation.

11 Application Services

OWS Services operating on user devices or servers that have network connectivity. Users use Application Services to access Registry, Portrayal, Processing and Data Services. Application Services commonly, but not necessarily, provide user-oriented displays of geospatial content and support user interaction at the user terminal.

12 Arc

An ordered string of vertices (x, y coordinate pairs) that begin at one location and end at another. Connecting the arc’s vertices creates a line. The vertices at each endpoint of an arc called nodes.

13 ArcCatalog

[software] ArcCatalog is an application in the ArcGIS suite used to manage geographic data – similar to windows file explorer.