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About MyGDI

Malaysia Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MyGDI) enables people to discover, share and use geospatial information and services

Malaysia Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MyGDI) is an initiative by the government to develop a geospatial data infrastructure to enhance the awareness about data availability and improve access to geospatial information. This can be fulfilled by facilitating data sharing among participating agencies. MyGDI, as the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) for Malaysia, is a geospatial data infrastructure that comprises of policies, standards, technology research and development and skilled human resources.

MyGDI facilitates online access to geospatial information, avoid duplication of effort in collection of data and to ensure the accuracy, timeliness, correctness and consistency of available data that enables far more comprehensive analysis of data to help decision-makers choose the best course(s) of action.

The Goal of MyGDI

To enable members of the geospatial communities in Malaysia to share and access geospatial information by establishing key partnerships with federal and states agencies, local authorities, academia and the private sector.

MyGDI Benefits

Capaian kepada data geospatial dapat dilaksanakan secara atas talian (on-line) bagi tujuan perancangan pembangunan dan penguatkuasaan undang-undang

Peningkatan tahap kesedaran dan penggunaan data geospatial serta kepelbagaian produk tambah nilai



Pengukuhan keupayaan kapasiti institusi menerusi program pembangunan sumber manusia bagi mengeluarkan pekerja yang berpengetahuan (K-Worker) 


Pertindihan usaha pengutipan dan pengeluaran data geospatial dapat dielakkan

Penyeragaman penggunaan polisi serta standard berkaitan data geospatial

Pelaksanaan Kerajaan Elektronik dan K-Ekonomi dapat direalisasikan

Pengembangan industri data geospatial tempatan 

MyGDI Objectives

To provide mechanism/ infrastructure to facilitate the utilisation and sharing of geospatial data among the agencies that use and supply the data

To encourage wider use of geospatial data at the state and national levels

To stimulate and enhance awareness about the value of geospatial data and the relevant technology

To contribute towards strengthening the development of national geospatial data through collaboration

Activities and MyGDI Services

Policies and Standards Development

Developing and coordinating the development of standards for geospatial information in Malaysia.

Providing consultation and training to government agencies and stakeholders for application of Malaysian and International standards.

Coordinating and updating the development of geospatial policies and guidelines for reference at national level.


Managing and implementing outreach activities to agencies and public at various levels in order to give awareness of the geospatial activities under the MyGDI Programme.

Coordinating outreach programmes using variety of media and platforms.

Geodata Development

Developing the Geospatial Data Centre (GDC) for fundamental and non-fundamental datasets which comply the determined quality and standards.

Implementing maintenance and updating 12 categories of GDC datasets (fundamental and non-fundamental) at the federal and state level.

Research and Development

Coordinating the research & development (R&D) of geospatial technologies and collaborating with agencies including government and private sector, research institution and academia.

Planning and coordinating geospatial technology research & development (R&D) collaboration activities for sharing and contribution purposes in geospatial information development.

GIS ICT Infrastructure

Managing the sharing and dissemination of geospatial data.

Designing, developing and maintaining the infrastructure, communications and security of ICT for MyGDI services.

Providing technical advice and support regarding the development of GIS ICT infrastructure.

Geospatial Initiatives

Providing consultancy and training for Malaysian Geospatial Online Services (MyGOS) application.

Planning and managing EA's geospatial strategy.

Designing and developing geospatial applications.