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Policies and Standards

Policies and Standards


The policy and guidelines are an important component for geospatial information’s management and coordination in the development and implementation of MyGDI program. In this regard, a series of circular letters and guidelines have been issued by the MyGDI National Coordinating Committee (MNCC). It covers matters concerning geospatial data pricing and dissemination, MyGDI’s development and implementation, custodianship, development and implementation of the Geospatial Data Centre (GDC), sharing and dissemination of geospatial information and compliance of geospatial information standards.

Fundamental dataset is significant geospatial data that comply with the standards and requirements of the various parties to support the planning and development of the organization. Basic data sharing policy Geospatial Data Centre (GDC) is free amongst the government agencies (Government to Government - G2G) and students in public higher education institutions on condition of application through the University with Dean’s approval. However, the public and private agencies can still get the data directly through the data providers agencies.

Government Agency intended is agency, department and statutory body which involved in MyGDI programme whether as data provider (lead agency or custodian) or consumer.


G2G: Government to Government

G2G: Government to Business

G2C: Government to Citizen

G2E: Education/ Research

APD: Data Provider Agency which is supplier of the data

Standard Development

The definition of Standard in terms of language is something to be referred or standardised. The purpose of using the Standard in geospatial information preparation is to facilitate the process of sharing geospatial information to make it more efficient. The use of the same standard will be able to integrate geospatial information from multiple sources and produce more comprehensive information for national planning and development use, disaster analysis, national security and decision making can be done quickly and accurately. In carrying out the Standard activities, PGN constantly cooperates with recognised standards committees in Malaysia. PGN adopts the documentation published by ISO / TC211 which is an international technical committee for reference in establishing standard geospatial information documents in the country.

The standard activities of geospatial information carried out by PGN focus on the following:

Unique Parcel Identifier (UPI)

Recognition method of code and land administration boundary name


Method of encoding features and attributes

Geospatial Metadata

Product description of data/ information/ services

Geographical Name Database (PDNG)

Geospatial Data Application Procedure

Multi-Lingual Glossary

Terms and definition of geospatial terms