MyGDI Governance
MNCC is responsible to the Government of Malaysia in:
- Specifying the principles and guidelines for the development and implementation of MyGDI;
- Establishing working committees as periodically required;
- Coordinating and monitoring the development and implementation of MyGDI through committees that are established under MNCC;
- Ensuring the requirements for financial, manpower and technological resources for MyGDI activities are prepared.
MFTC responsible to the MyGDI National Coordinating Committee (MNCC) in:
- Formulating policies and guidelines to ensure effective sharing of geospatial data through MyGDI;
- Coordinating the development and utilization of data framework in MyGDI;
- Monitoring the implementation of policies and guidelines; and
- Creating the awareness and commitment among the agencies in the development of data framework.
Functions MFTC:
- To assist in the establishment and development of MyGDI Data Framework;
- To provide policies and guidelines to ensure the effectiveness of MyGDI Data Framework;
- To coordinate the activities of the framework members; and
- To coordinate training and human resource development.
MSTC responsible to the MyGDI National Coordinating Committee (MNCC) in:
- Developing standards for geographic information/geomatics in MyGDI;
- Coordinating and monitoring the usage of standards for geographic information/geomatics in MyGDI for the purpose of data sharing; and
- Collaborating with SIRIM Technical Committee for Geographic information/Geomatics Standards and other standards technical committees in the development and updating of the Malaysian Standards.
Functions MSTC:
- to design MyGDI Metadata Standard based on ISO/TC211;
- to design standards for geospatial data exchange based on MS1759 and ISO/TC211; and
- to coordinate the use of MyGDI data exchange and metadata standard.
MCTC Responsible to the MNCC in:
- Formulating policies and guidelines related to the operation of MyGDI Clearinghouse;
- Specifiying the resource requirements for the development and operation of MYGDI Clearinghouse;
- Ensuring current and complete publication of metadata and geospatial data; and
- Coordinating and monitoring the activities related to the operation and usage of MyGDI Clearinghouse.
Functions MCTC:
- To develop MyGDI Clearinghouse;
- To specify the method of data production;
- To outline the procedure of data production; and
- To encourage data providers to use MyGDI Clearinghouse.
MMTC is responsible to MNCC in:
- Coordinating all collection, storage and maintenance of spatial data in the marine environment for national use;
- Implementing data sharing, preservation and storage of marine geospatial data for national economic and social development purposes and protect the development of maritime and underwater objects through digital documentation; and
- Promote awareness of the importance of marine development management especially in marine exploration.
MyGDI State Coordinating Committee is responsible to the MNCC in:
- Adopting the policies and standards that are specified by MNCC;
- Ensuring the MyGDI Clearinghouse is utilised by all subordinate agencies;
- Coordinating the plan preparation of geospatial data for the purpose of sharing through MyGDI at the state level to avoid duplication in efforts in data collection;
- Establishing the MyGDI State Technical Committee and monitoring the implementation of MyGDI at the state level; and
- Ensuring the requirements for financial, manpower and technological resources for MyGDI activities are prepared.
MyGDI State Technical Committee (MSTC) is responsible to the MyGDI State coordinating Committee (MSCC) in:
- Implementing the policies and standards that are specified by MSCC;
- Ensuring the MyGDI Clearinghouse is utilized by all subordinate agencies;
- Planning & maintaining of geospatial data sharing through MyGDI at state level; and
- Planning the requirements for financial, manpower and technological resources for MyGDI activities at state level.