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  • Peneraju Perkongsian
    Perkhidmatan dan
    Maklumat Geospatial
    Perkhidmatan yang mampan untuk kesejahteraan negara

MyGDI Governance

MyGDI Management Governance Structure

To manage the development and operation of MyGDI, a MyGDI National Coordinating Committee (MNCC) was formed with the role of a central policy and decision making body on matters pertaining to the implementation, development and operations of the MyGDI programmes and initiatives. Besides the coordinating committees, there are four Technical Committees - Framework Technical Committee, Standard Technical Committee, Clearinghouse Technical Committee and Marine Technical Committee. The PGN activities are mainly driven by these three technical committee. Complementing to these committees is the MyGDI State Coordinating Committees (MSCC) and the MyGDI State Technical Committee (MSTC).


MNCC is responsible to the Government of Malaysia in:

  • Specifying the principles and guidelines for the development and implementation of MyGDI;
  • Establishing working committees as periodically required;
  • Coordinating and monitoring the development and implementation of MyGDI through committees that are established under MNCC;
  • Ensuring the requirements for financial, manpower and technological resources for MyGDI activities are prepared. 

MFTC responsible to the MyGDI National Coordinating Committee (MNCC) in:

  • Formulating policies and guidelines to ensure effective sharing of geospatial data through MyGDI;
  • Coordinating the development and utilization of data framework in MyGDI;
  • Monitoring the implementation of policies and guidelines; and
  • Creating the awareness and commitment among the agencies in the development of data framework.

Functions MFTC:

  •  To assist in the establishment and development of MyGDI Data Framework;
  •  To provide policies and guidelines to ensure the effectiveness of MyGDI Data Framework;
  •  To coordinate the activities of the framework members; and
  •  To coordinate training and human resource development.

MSTC responsible to the MyGDI National Coordinating Committee (MNCC) in:

  • Developing standards for geographic information/geomatics in MyGDI;
  • Coordinating and monitoring the usage of standards for geographic information/geomatics in MyGDI for the purpose of data sharing; and
  • Collaborating with SIRIM Technical Committee for Geographic information/Geomatics Standards and other standards technical committees in the development and updating of the Malaysian Standards.

Functions MSTC:

  •  to design MyGDI Metadata Standard based on ISO/TC211;
  •  to design standards for geospatial data exchange based on MS1759 and ISO/TC211; and
  •  to coordinate the use of MyGDI data exchange and metadata standard.

MCTC Responsible to the MNCC in:

  •  Formulating policies and guidelines related to the operation of MyGDI Clearinghouse;
  •  Specifiying the resource requirements for the development and operation of MYGDI Clearinghouse;
  •  Ensuring current and complete publication of metadata and geospatial data; and
  •  Coordinating and monitoring the activities related to the operation and usage of MyGDI Clearinghouse.

Functions MCTC:

  •  To develop MyGDI Clearinghouse;
  •  To specify the method of data production;
  •  To outline the procedure of data production; and
  •  To encourage data providers to use MyGDI Clearinghouse.

MMTC is responsible to MNCC in:

  • Coordinating all collection, storage and maintenance of spatial data in the marine environment for national use;
  • Implementing data sharing, preservation and storage of marine geospatial data for national economic and social development   purposes and protect the development of maritime and underwater objects through digital documentation; and
  • Promote awareness of the importance of marine development management especially in marine exploration.

MyGDI State Coordinating Committee is responsible to the MNCC in:

  •  Adopting the policies and standards that are specified by MNCC;
  •  Ensuring the MyGDI Clearinghouse is utilised by all subordinate agencies;
  •  Coordinating the plan preparation of geospatial data for the purpose of sharing through MyGDI at the state level to avoid duplication in efforts in data collection;
  •  Establishing the MyGDI State Technical Committee and monitoring the implementation of MyGDI at the state level; and
  •  Ensuring the requirements for financial, manpower and technological resources for MyGDI activities are prepared.

MyGDI State Technical Committee (MSTC) is responsible to the MyGDI State coordinating Committee (MSCC) in:

  •  Implementing the policies and standards that are specified by MSCC;
  •  Ensuring the MyGDI Clearinghouse is utilized by all subordinate agencies;
  •  Planning  & maintaining of geospatial data sharing through MyGDI at state level; and
  •  Planning the requirements for financial, manpower and technological resources for MyGDI activities at state level.
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