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What is map service?

Map service is a web map service that displays geographic data or information in multiple layers of map images over the Internet. Map service uses a geographic dataset that also includes a combination of different data and parameters to determine and display a more dynamic, interactive and clever map image

How does MyGeoMap Application give benefit to the public?

MyGeoMap is an application that provides geospatial information from Government and private agencies to the public. It is a one stop center for public users to search various information and locations related to Government premises. The application also provides a crowdsource function that allows public users to share information about floods, clinics and restaurants. In addition, there is also a navigation function that provides route information from one location to another.

Has the pronunciation audio of geographical names and jawi images in the MyGeoName application module been reviewed and verified?

  • Yes. The jawi spelling image in the MyGeoName application has been reviewed and verified by the Munsyi Dewan (Jawi), an individual who has been commissioned by the Language and Literature Council (DBP) to carry out the jawi spelling transliteration work. Pronunciation audio of geographical names in Official Malay and Local Dialects has been verified by linguists who have been appointed by PGN and approved by DBP.

What is the Geographic Names Database (PDNG), National Gazetteer and MyGeoName?

  • Geographic Names Database (PDNG) is a database that stores geographic names, locations, histories and names that have been verified in a consistent format for government and public use. Gazetir, on the other hand, is an index that lists the geographical names found in the PDG.
  • The entire database is made available to users online through the MyGeoName Application. Users can also download gazetteers through the MyGeoName application.

Does PGN provide code and land administration boundary information? How is this information shared with users?

  • Yes. UPI application can be accessed via:: Users can download the list of land administration code and domain names in pdf and excel format through the download functionality provided in the application. Data sharing in spatial format is also available through formal application to PGN. 
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