Welcoming Speech
Welcoming Speech
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Malaysia Geoportal (MyGeoportal), the official portal of Malaysian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MyGDI).
Government recognizes that people's demands for accurate, up-to-date and accessible geospatial information at various levels which are extremely significant and critical. In line with the goal of citizen-centric government by putting the citizen first, the efficient and effective in providing and sharing of geospatial information by government agencies can boost the efficiency of the public service delivery system.
MyGDI is a national program initiated by the government to provide and facilitate geospatial information sharing infrastructure, comprises of the development of policies, standards, geospatial technology in term of R&D in the geospatial field. The main objective of this program is to assist agencies in planning, developing and managing by sharing current, accurate and reliable geospatial information as well as to avoid duplication of effort in the collection and production of geospatial information. As such, through this infrastructure, smart partnership among agencies is continuously being developed to assist all parties in sharing and accessing geospatial information effectively.
It is my hope that MyGeoportal will very much facilitate our visitors in getting the latest information related to geospatial activities, both domestic and internationally as well. In addition, this portal interactively provides access to various of geospatial services such as on-line access to metadata catalogue/directory via MyGDI Explorer and Malaysia Geospatial Online Services (MyGOS). This portal will be constantly maintained and updated to ensure only relevant and up-to-date information being published. Thus, this portal will become a useful source of reference for its visitors.
On behalf of PGN, I am expressing my gratitude to the Federal, State, Local Authority and the private sector agencies on continued contribution and cooperation in strengthening the development of national geospatial data infrastructure, the MyGDI.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone who are willing to visit our MyGeoportal. I do hope that this portal will be beneficial, informative and insightful to everyone.
Thank You.