This category contains the geospatial information related to electricity, telecommunication, water supply, oil and gas, broadcasting, sewerage and waste management.
G2G UA0010 Cables that carry electricity power.
G2G UA0020 Structures that provide lighting to streets.
G2G UC0110 A string of pipes use for the transporting raw or treated water.
G2G UF0010 Site that contains facilities for treating sewage.
G2G UF0040 Pipes that transport sewage.
G2G, G2E UG0030 A facility where waste is taken from smaller collection vehicles and placed in larger vehicles for transport, including truck trailers, railroad cars or barges to final disposal sites.
G2G, G2E UG0040 A facility in which solid waste is combusted.
G2G, G2E UG0050 A disposal facility, designed to permanently isolate wastes from the environment. This entails burial of the wastes in a landfill that includes clay and/or synthetic liners, leachate collection, gas collection (in cases where gas is generated), and an impermeable cover.