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Istilah Sumber dan Definition adalah berdasarkan dokumen ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms (MLGT).
Bidang, Subbidang, Istilah Sasaran dan Huraian adalah daripada Kumpulan Kerja Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms Maklumat Geografi/ Geomatik (KKMLGT).

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Bil. ID ISO/TC211 Istilah Sumber Sort descending Istilah Sasaran Bidang Subbidang Definition Huraian
1 Pan

To move the viewing window up, down, or sideways to display areas in a geographic data set which, at the current viewing scale, lie outside the viewing window.



Parametric datum

Datum parametrik


Sistem Maklumat Geografi, Penderiaan Jauh dan Geomatik

Datum describing the relationship of a parametric coordinate system to an object.

Datum yang menerangkan hubungan sistem koordinat parametrik dengan objek.

3 Parcel

contiguous unit of the earth's surface defined by a common collection of legal rights.



Passive sensor

Penderia Pasif


Penderiaan jauh, Geomatik, Aeronautik, Hidrografi

Sensor that detects and collects energy from an independent source.

Penderiaan pasif menggunakan sumber tenaga semula jadi iaitu matahari. Sensor satelit mengesan dan mengukur pantulan cahaya matahari atau gelombang elektromagnetik daripada objek sasaran. 

5 Peer Review Forums

A facilitated event at which users of a particular regional solution are invited to share ideas on how to improve the solution, including but not limited to data content, access and custodial responsibilities. Through these events, MetroGIS identifies ways to ensure that solutions maintain their relevance with changing user needs, and leverage resources that were not available when the solution was implemented.

6 Photogrammetry

Use of aerial photographs to produce planimetric and topographic maps of the earth`s surface and of features of the built environment. Effective photogrammetry makes use of ground control by which aerial photographs are carefully compared and registered to the locations and characteristics of features identified in ground-level surveys.

7 Pixel

smallest resolvable unit in an image; an area (usually rectangular) forming a part of a systematic, uniform division of a study area. Contraction of picture element.

8 Pixels (GIS)

[data structure] Pixels are the grid cells that make up raster images. Each cell is identical in size and records a brightness and color in an image.

9 Plotter

A device for outputing hard-copy representations of data e.g maps

10 Point

A single x, y coordinate point that represents a geographic feature.



Point cloud

Titik Awan


Sistem Maklumat Geografi, Penderiaan Jauh dan Geomatik

Collection of data points in 3D space.

Sekumpulan titik data mengandungi maklumat x,y,z dalam ruang 3 dimensi.

12 Point of Interest

A location (with a fixed position) where one can find a place, product or service, typically identified by name rather than by address and characterized by type, which may be used as a reference point or a target in a location based service request, e.g., as the destination of a route.

13 Point-in-polygon

procedure to determine which points fall into which polygons; can attach attributes to either the points or the polygons.